Dental Patient

General Dental Care

Whether you need wisdom teeth removal in Miranda, a Kids dentist Miranda or teeth grinding solutions, our exceptional general dental care provides for all.

General Dental Care

Whether you need wisdom teeth removal in Miranda, a Kids dentist Miranda or teeth grinding solutions, our exceptional general dental care provides for all.

General Services For All Your Dental Needs

Southern Smiles is a modern Sutherland Shire dental practice committed to looking after all your general dental needs with outstanding service, quality, and affordability to all our patients. Our team of dental professionals are friendly, gentle, attentive and passionate about what they do. We take the time to get to know you, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have because we care.

We believe that prevention is better than cure, and is often less painful, which is why we recommend 6-month check-ups with our dentists. To assist in maintaining good oral health our range of general dental services and treatments include wisdom teeth removal, teeth grinding solutions, kids dentistry, root canal treatment, tooth fillings, and gum disease treatments. You can read about some of them in more detail below:

Dental Patient

Providing First-Class Dental Treatment

Our Southern Smiles Team takes pride on high-quality dental treatments and superb customer experience; sit back and relax while our dentist works their magic on your teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding in children is fairly common and the majority of kids will grow out of it before their adult teeth come in. However many adults also have a teeth grinding (bruxism) habit, although they may not realise it as teeth grinding mainly occurs at night during sleep. While the act of teeth grinding doesn’t sound a big deal, in reality, it can cause excessive wear and tear on teeth and jaw pain. So how do you know you suffer from teeth grinding?

Symptoms of teeth grinding (Bruxism)

• Cracked or chipped tooth enamel

• Gum inflammation and/or recession

• Temperature sensitive teeth

• Regular headaches and/or earaches

• Neck and shoulder pain

• Jaws ache or feel stiff when chewing

• Aching teeth especially upon waking


If you think you may suffer from teeth grinding,Miranda-based Southern Smiles can help. So If you’re grinding teeth while sleeping or even during the day, don’t worry, our dentists will examine your teeth and take some X-rays in order to assess how severe your teeth grinding habit is. From this we can also see the amount of damage to your teeth and bone.

Causes and Treatment of Teeth Grinding

The likely causes of teeth grinding range from physical to psychological factors which can mean that any teeth grinding treatment needs to address both these things. At Southern Smiles, our dentists can take care of physical things like misaligned or cracked teeth and raised fillings. We can also fit you with a custom mouthguard to take the pressure off when teeth are clenched to prevent further damage from teeth grinding.

In addition, Botox is also an option we have for addressing jaw pain as a result of teeth grinding/clenching. By injecting it into the jaw muscles, it’s been proven to relax the muscles and alleviate any pain.


Wisdom teeth also referred to as our third molars, are the last teeth to erupt through the gums and are sited at the far rear of our mouths. Most people have 4 wisdom teeth while some people have none at all. Despite what many people believe, not all wisdom teeth have to be removed. At Southern Smiles we only recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth in Sydney for the following reasons:

• There isn’t sufficient room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to grow, or it’s likely that the wisdom teeth could cause damage to adjacent teeth.

• The wisdom teeth are causing discomfort pain and swelling.

• Partially erupted wisdom teeth that are difficult to clean have since become decayed.

Dental Patient

Wisdom teeth removal procedure

Prior to wisdom tooth removal, Miranda patients will be asked to attend a consultation with one of our friendly Sutherland Shire dentists. At this appointment, it’s likely that an OPG scan will be taken to determine the position of the wisdom teeth, together with key structures such as the sinus floor and the inferior alveolar nerve. It also gives us an opportunity to discuss the benefits, risks, costs, and procedure options available so that you can make an informed decision.

Here at Southern Smiles we can carry out more complex tooth extractions in addition to straightforward wisdom teeth removal. For wisdom teeth removal pain relief while the process itself will be pain free, we recommend painkillers such as ibuprofen and a course of antibiotics to help with wisdom tooth extraction aftercare . Other tips also include regular rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash and a diet of softer foods for a few days at least.

Kids Dentistry

Good oral habits in childhood tend to continue into adulthood which is why finding a reputable kids dentist in Miranda is so important. At Southern Smiles, we like to think of ourselves as an extension to your family which is why we have a special interest in paediatric dentistry.
Our dentists are all experienced in dealing with children and are friendly, caring, and above all, gentle. Our aim is to provide the highest quality of care in a safe, child-friendly environment, using state of the art equipment and technology. Our decor has been thoughtfully designed to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for families and children.

Teaching your child how to care properly for their teeth along with regular visits to a children’s dentist is paramount to preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Because prevention is better than cure, our pediatric dentist in Sutherland Shire recommends regular check-ups from infancy through to late teens.

Our experience comprises all forms of Sutherland Shire paediatric dentistry including:

• Infant oral examinations

• Preventive dental care including fluoride, fissure sealants, and cleaning treatments along with nutrition and diet recommendations

• Repairs for defects and cavities

• Orthodontics

• Gum diseases

• Dental emergencies and trauma, such as a knocked out tooth

• Treating infants, children, and adolescents when necessary using a local anaesthetic

• Treating anxious children

Dental Patient

Pediatric dentistry Miranda– The best care for children

Children aren’t just small adults which is why they can’t be relied upon to sit still while they’re being examined. Don’t worry, our paediatric dentistry team know ways of examining and treating children to make them feel comfortable. Our passion for children’s dentistry shows in the way kids love to come and visit us.

Kids Dentistry

Good oral habits in childhood tend to continue into adulthood which is why finding a reputable kids dentist in Miranda is so important. At Southern Smiles, we like to think of ourselves as an extension to your family which is why we have a special interest in paediatric dentistry.
Our dentists are all experienced in dealing with children and are friendly, caring, and above all, gentle. Our aim is to provide the highest quality of care in a safe, child-friendly environment, using state of the art equipment and technology. Our decor has been thoughtfully designed to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for families and children.

Teaching your child how to care properly for their teeth along with regular visits to a children’s dentist is paramount to preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Because prevention is better than cure, our pediatric dentist in Sutherland Shire recommends regular check-ups from infancy through to late teens.

Our experience comprises all forms of Sutherland Shire paediatric dentistry including:

• Infant oral examinations

• Preventive dental care including fluoride, fissure sealants, and cleaning treatments along with nutrition and diet recommendations

• Repairs for defects and cavities

• Orthodontics

• Gum diseases

• Dental emergencies and trauma, such as a knocked out tooth

• Treating infants, children, and adolescents when necessary using a local anaesthetic

• Treating anxious children

Dental Patient

Pediatric dentistry Miranda– The best care for children

Children aren’t just small adults which is why they can’t be relied upon to sit still while they’re being examined. Don’t worry, our paediatric dentistry team know ways of examining and treating children to make them feel comfortable. Our passion for children’s dentistry shows in the way kids love to come and visit us.

Gum Disease

Bleeding when you brush your teeth and gums is an early indication that you may have gum disease. There are two types of gum disease:

• Gingivitis – this is the initial stage of gum disease and only affects the gums superficially.

• Periodontitis – This is when the gum disease has worsened and affected the deeper structures of the mouth and jaw

Symptoms of gingivitis

• Gums which are redder than normal

• Swelling of the gums

• Bleeding when biting into crunch food or brushing

Dental Patient

What causes gum disease?

The main cause of gum disease is plaque. This is the sticky white substance which contains harmful bacteria and saliva and collects on the surface of your teeth and other areas of the mouth. If it’s left to accumulate where the teeth meet the gums, it causes inflammation which can lead to gum disease. If it’s not removed, it hardens into a substance known as tartar. This attracts even more plaque to it which accelerates the gum disease process.

Gingivitis can affect people of any age and usually isn’t noticed in its early stages because of a lack of symptoms. However, if left it can develop into periodontitis which can result in bone erosion, loosening of teeth, and eventual loss of teeth. If you think you may have gingivitis then it’s important to visit our dentist who can conduct a thorough examination and determine the necessary gum disease treatment

Gum Disease Treatments

In most cases, the first step in gum disease treatment will be for your dentist to remove all traces of plaque and tartar from your teeth using special dental instruments. After that, it will be up to you to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly twice daily to maintain a good level of oral hygiene. Most times this restores your gums to good health.

If your gum disease is more severe and doesn’t respond to the above gum disease treatments, it may be necessary to undergo gum surgery which incorporates practices such as:

• Root planing – to clean the tooth roots

• Surgery to replace any lost tissue and bone as well as cleaning tooth roots

Gum disease can have very serious consequences but fortunately if treated early it can be halted effectively. If you’re concerned about gum disease, Miranda patients should come and speak to us as soon as they can.

Dental Patient

Tooth Fillings

Fillings are one of the most common procedures carried out by most dentists in Sydney with the main cause being that a tooth has been damaged by decay. Other reasons for a tooth filling include natural wear and tear of teeth, trauma to teeth, anatomical defects, and even damage caused by teeth grinding or bruxism.

By closing off any tiny spaces where germs and bacteria could get in, a dental filling also prevents further decay and infection. At Southern Smiles, we use white fillings, otherwise known as composite fillings. These are a cosmetic alternative to traditional silver or amalgam fillings, and not only add support to a damaged tooth but, because they’re colour matched to the shade of your teeth, your smile remains flawless.

Here’s how tooth fillings in Miranda work:

1. The decay is first removed, or if you’re having an amalgam filling replaced, that is taken out and the area is thoroughly cleaned.
2. Your new filling is made from a resin-based material which is hard and durable. Initially, it’s relatively soft enabling the dentist to mould it to the shape of your tooth. Once in place, it’s ‘cured’ using a laser light to set the filling. It turns hard very quickly so you can eat on it right away.

Composite fillings also offer many benefits.

• Hard wearing and durable

• Natural restoration

• Improves the appearance of filled teeth without impacting on biting and chewing

For further information on this or any of our other general dentistry treatments, or if you feel it’s simply about time you had a dental check-up, book an appointment with Miranda’s premier dental practice.

Tooth Fillings

Fillings are one of the most common procedures carried out by most dentists in Sydney with the main cause being that a tooth has been damaged by decay. Other reasons for a tooth filling include natural wear and tear of teeth, trauma to teeth, anatomical defects, and even damage caused by teeth grinding or bruxism.

By closing off any tiny spaces where germs and bacteria could get in, a dental filling also prevents further decay and infection. At Southern Smiles, we use white fillings, otherwise known as composite fillings. These are a cosmetic alternative to traditional silver or amalgam fillings, and not only add support to a damaged tooth but, because they’re colour matched to the shade of your teeth, your smile remains flawless.

Here’s how tooth fillings in Miranda work:

1. The decay is first removed, or if you’re having an amalgam filling replaced, that is taken out and the area is thoroughly cleaned.
2. Your new filling is made from a resin-based material which is hard and durable. Initially, it’s relatively soft enabling the dentist to mould it to the shape of your tooth. Once in place, it’s ‘cured’ using a laser light to set the filling. It turns hard very quickly so you can eat on it right away.

Composite fillings also offer many benefits.

• Hard wearing and durable

• Natural restoration

• Improves the appearance of filled teeth without impacting on biting and chewing

For further information on this or any of our other general dentistry treatments, or if you feel it’s simply about time you had a dental check-up, book an appointment with Miranda’s premier dental practice.

Call Southern Smiles today on (02) 9542 7331

Call Southern Smiles today on (02) 9542 7331

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